Adapted to an indoor performance and clinic experience
Due to extreme weather conditions from Typhoon Songda, the Bands of America Regional Championship at Hillsboro on Saturday, October 15 has been adapted to an immersion experience indoors, where bands will perform for each other, receive independent clinics with all judges, and enjoy a Bands of America Leadership Experience with John Pollard and Dr. Tim Lautzenheiser.
The event will be held inside at:
Prairie High School
11311 NE 119th St.
Vancouver, Washington
The Eastside Catholic H.S. and Mead H.S. Marching Bands will present standstill performances of their shows and participate in an immersive clinic and leadership experience.
Parents and fans are welcome to attend the performances and observe the clinics. Spectators will be admitted free of charge – first-come, first-served – on a “space available” basis. Bands of America’s Official Merchandise Company, PepWear, will be onsite with commemorative souvenirs.
11:30 AM – Doors Open
12:00 PM – Eastside Catholic H.S. Marching Band, WA
12:30-1:30 PM – Clinic
2:45 PM – Mead H.S. Marching Band, WA
3:15-4:15 PM – Clinic
Awards Ceremony
4:30-5:30 PM – The Bands of America Leadership Experience with John Pollard and Dr. Tim Lautzenheiser
Other bands scheduled to perform were unable to attend due to disallowed school travel, due to the extreme weather.
There will be no live stream of this indoor event.
Music for All thanks Barbara Kujava and Prairie High School for their cooperation and help to move the event. Thanks also to the bands, teachers, staff, parents, and boosters of the bands enrolled in the Bands of America Regional at Hillsboro for their support.