What is your hometown?
Michigantown, IN
Where did you go to high school? Where did you go to college and when did you/will you graduate?
I went to Clinton Central Jr./Sr. High School. I am currently a Senior at IUPUI, where I am studying Event Management. I will graduate in May 2020.
What is your musical background?
I was in band from 5th grade until I graduated high school, where I played percussion. I participated in concert band, pep band, and jazz band.
What are you most looking forward to with your internship experience?
I am most excited to go to the events and see how everything is done and see all of the different departments come together to create an awesome experience for the bands!
What is an interesting fact about you?
I’ve gone zip lining through the jungles in Jamaica.
Who are your top three favorite artists?
The Struts Twenty One Pilots Halsey
Would you rather have perfect pitch or be able to sight read perfectly?
I would definitely want to sight read perfectly!
What is your dream job?
My dream job is to start my own concert promotion business.
If you could switch sections in your marching band, which section would you join?
I always wanted to play the trumpet if I wasn’t a percussionist, so I would want to join the brass section in marching band.
Do you have a favorite quote?
‘I can and I will.’
What show have you binge watched recently?
I haven’t watched anything recently, but I am hoping to start Brooklyn Nine-Nine soon.
Who is your biggest role model?
My family is my biggest role model, because they are always encouraging me to do what ever makes me happy.