Today’s guest post is from Fran Kick, professional speaker, author and division head of the Leadership Weekend Experience at the Music for All Summer Symposium presented by Yamaha. Fran Kick also co-presents the Future Music Educators’ Experience during the Grand National Championships.
Supporting others and acknowledging other groups needs to go beyond just applauding, screaming and spelling. After all, performing for attentive enthusiastic audiences in high-quality settings is one of the hallmarks at each and every Bands of America event/
So what can we do to ensure every band gets the best audience:
#1 Be as attentive and polite during other band performances as you’d want during your own– looking and listening. While football stadiums hardly require or demand the same kind of concert etiquette as a symphony orchestra hall, we can certainly raise the bar way beyond the average football game.
#2 Be sure to say hi to other band members acknowledging their performance and/or wishing them the best for a good show.
#3 If you hear something or see something that excites you on the field, then let the performing band know right then and there with your applause. Later on, be sure to follow up and congratulate them on their performance.
Acknowledging others in a positive way – both on and off the field – is what sets BOA events apart from other programs. We’re not just there for our own band, we come together to celebrate all the bands of America. And if we want others to pay attention to us, then we need to pay attention to them. You get what you give, so give it all you’ve got both on and off the field acknowledging others.
This post was originally released on the “Break Ranks” podcast with Dan Potter. The .mp3 audio file is available to hear, download, and share.
Fran Kick currently serves as division head of the Music for All Summer Symposium Leadership Weekend Experience. He is a nationally-recognized speaker and educational consultant who talks with students and the many people who work with them. You can find more information about his work with music-related organizations and events at