This is the sixth installment of a new chapter in our Student Features series on the blog that we will be posting leading up to the 2017 Music for All National Festival, presented by Yamaha. Music for All will be featuring three honor ensembles (Honor Band of America, Honor Orchestra of America, and the Jazz Band of America) at the Music for All National Festival, March 9th through March 11th. We look forward to getting to know all of these wonderful students who have been accepted into these prestigious ensembles!


Name: Ryan Larson

Hometown: Indianapolis, IN

School Name: Avon High School

Instrument: Violin

Which Ensemble Are You In?
Honor Orchestra of America

What made you decide to apply to be a part of the ensemble?
I had seen the Honor Orchestra several times in years prior, and I was awed by the level of musicianship at which they performed. I really wanted to be a part of an ensemble that played music at such a high quality. Also, my sister was in it before and pressured me to apply.

What are three things you’ve learned from being involved in band or orchestra?
To be early is to be on time, to be on time is to be late, and to be late is to be dead!

Most memorable moment in band or orchestra?
I don’t have one moment that I can call my favorite above others, but I love the feeling of satisfaction and accomplishment after an excellent performance.

What’s your favorite song or piece of music?
It’s so hard to choose just one favorite piece of music, but some of my favorites are Jupiter from The Planets by Holst, Mambo from Symphonic Dances by Bernstein, and Hoe Down from Rodeo by Copland.

Favorite ice cream flavor?
Chocolate Chip Cookie Dough

What’s your favorite non-music related hobby or past time?
I really enjoy biking- both as a pastime and as a form of fitness.

What’s one piece of advice you’d give a friend who needs some inspiration or motivation?
“Be the change you want to see in the world”; if things aren’t going your way right now, just keep pushing forward and trying your hardest to do the right thing, and eventually things will get better!

What’s your current plan for what you want to do after graduating high school?
Go to Brigham Young University in Provo, Utah. Then after one year there, I plan on going on a two-year mission for my church.

Have you participated in MFA/BOA events before? Which ones?
2015 Honor Orchestra of America
2016 Honor Orchestra of America
2016 Music for All Summer Symposium

Tell us something interesting/unique about you:
I’m a member of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints. In other words, I’m a Mormon.
