Yesterday I attended the Music for All’s Concert Band Division’s Chamber Recital in Sursa Hall and I could not be more impressed with the amount of budding talent I heard.
Nine different groups of varied instruments performed many different classic and contemporary selections of reperitore in front of their peers.
I thought it was fun that each group got to pick out their ensemble’s name, such as “No Reeds Necessary,” “The Claricorns,” and “#girlpower.”
Several Ball State music professors and Yamaha Performing Artists such as Shawn Goodman and Sophia Tegart, served as clinicians for the Concert Band Division this week and worked to help each ensemble perform together as a collaborative sound. Each student received individual instruction and got to work with educators who directly studied their instruements.
Another unique thing about this concert was how much these students accomplished in such a short amount of time. In only three days, these campers had learned music that it might take other students weeks to learn. They listened closely, practiced vigiously, and deveoped a pattern that they will take back with them to school this upcoming year.
I really hope that these kids understand how lucky they are to be at this camp, and I’m not just saying that because I work at Music for All. As a musician who struggled greatly in the beginning of my collegiate music experience, I know that if I had the opportunity to attend Music for All Summer Symposium at least once in high school I could have advanced so much faster and excelled to a greater level by graduation. If I had participated in the Summer Symposium for multiple years, I know that I could have taken my performance endeavors further than I could have ever imagined.