There has been a lot of activity on social networks this week by those who support/work for/have been impacted by non-profit arts organizations asking for your vote (and my vote) in the Chase Community Giving program underway on facebook (their tagline: “You decide what matters”). I’ve been encouraged by the sincere and enthusiastic support with which my friends and others have not only cast their vote, but helped to promote the opportunity and asked others to vote as well, not just for Music for All but for all the organizations they support.
What I’ve realized is this: most (okay, make that “all”) non-profit arts organizations are constantly working to raise donations to fund their programs, working hard to try to keep the costs to customers and participants down as much as possible. If the ticket prices, the participation fees, the merchandise sales alone had to entirely fund the expenses of our programs without donations from individuals and organizations and our partner sponsorships, I think there would be a serious case of sticker shock.
What is exciting about something like the Chase Community Giving program is that with its presence on facebook, it is visible to so many people who otherwise might not be in contact with the organizations that they care about. Not only that, but it gives everyone the power, by their vote, to help support those organizations.
More than 1.3 million people have participated or attended Music for All, Bands of America and Orchestra America programs. How many of you are on facebook? How many of you can vote to help bring these same experiences to more students and teachers in the years to come?
So, I’m asking you to please take a moment and vote for Music for All and nine other organizations that you care deeply about (they give each person 10 votes; you have to “like” the page first then you can cast your vote). Please cast your vote by May 4 and help us continue this important work: making these music education programs available for students and teachers across the country.