As the nation’s leading presenter of educational programming for America’s high school and middle school bands, orchestras, instrumental music students and teachers, Music for All connects with customers in many ways, including with print publications. Music for All accepts advertising in many print publications, including those listed below:
Contract includes advertising costs, deadlines and specifications.
One printed January/February issue is mailed to high school band directors (approximately 7,000 mailed), emailed to approximately 15,000 music educators and available for download from
Download a sample High School Band Newsletter
The official program book of America’s most exciting marching band event, held each November. Approximately 4,000 printed and distributed.
Download sample Grand National program book
100+ page program book for all of the Music for All National Festival events, including the National Concert Band Festival, Orchestra America National Festival, Sandy Feldstein National Percussion Festival, Chamber Music National Festival, and honor ensembles. Approximately 2,500 printed and distributed.