Music for all invites band directors to join us Saturday, November 10 for the Directors’ Behind-the-Scene Tour at the Bands of America Grand National Championships.
The Directors’ Behind-the-Scene Tour gives band directors and booster leaders of bands who are considering participating in Grand Nationals or any Bands of America Championship for the first time a look at the event flow and procedures for bands.
The Behind-the-Scenes Tour at the Grand National Championships is during Saturday’s Semi-Finals, from 10-11:15 a.m. in Lucas Oil Stadium. A Semi-Finals ticket is required for admittance to the stadium. There is no charge for the Tour. Reserve your spot by completing this online form.
You’ll then pck up your Tour pass at the Music for All Info Table, Booths 1-3 in the Expo, on the North Gate concourse inside the stadium. You can pick up your pass on Thursday or Friday, Nov. 8-9, during open stadium times.
Space is limited. Submit the form to reserve your spot today!