It’s the last day of the Music for All Summer Symposium, presented by Yamaha. It’s hard to believe we’ve reached the last day of camp – the week has really flown by!
I want to back track for a moment and talk about last night’s Drum Corps International show and the marching band track students’ performance with Carolina Crown. The Summer Symposium offers marching band students the unique opportunity to rehearse and perform with Carolina Crown Drum and Bugle Corps at a major DCI show. Marching band students spent the week learning drill sets and music from Carolina Crown’s show, and performed with the corps last night at Scheumann Stadium. They sounded wonderful! Students also played the national anthem at the start of the show last night. What a cool experience – playing for that many spectators in the stands! I was really proud of the marching band students, and they had a truly amazing performance.
Today is a special day for each of our campers as final performances are taking place. Parents, friends and family arrived on campus this morning for the Parent Breakfast in the Atrium of the Arts and Journalism Building. Parents had the opportunity to learn more about what their students have been up to this week, and they had the opportunity to listen to Fran Kick, Leadership Division Coordinator, say a few words. Eric Martin, President and CEO of Music for All, spoke as well.
Final performances are under way now and will continue throughout the day. The Orchestra, Concert Band and Percussion Ensemble performances started at 9:00 a.m. and will continue through 11:30 this morning in Sursa Hall in the Music Instruction Building. And, the Drum Set Development Class and Jazz Bands have their performances in Pruis Hall starting at 10:00 a.m. and running through 11:30 a.m.
The Community Day Picnic will be happening from 11:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. today. Families can enjoy a picnic in Worthen Arena with the full camp, faculty and staff. Then final performances continue starting at 1:30 p.m. with Color Guard, Marching Percussion, Marching Band and the Drum Major March Off.
After final performances, camp is officially over. What a week it has been! Enjoy the final performances!