Two Music for All students participated in a live SupportMusic Coalition conference call today during MFA’s Summer Symposium. NAMM, the National Association of Music Merchants, is one of Music for All’s corporate sponsors. The NAMM Foundation seeks to strengthen music education in schools and communities nationwide through its SupportMusic Coalition. Joey, a 5-year MFA Summer Symposium participant in the Marching Band track, and Andrew, a 3-year MFA Summer Symposium participant in the Drum Major Academy, joined MFA Staff, NAMM Staff and other NAMM members on the call today.
Both of the participants commented about the leadership opportunities they’ve gained from participating in Music for All programs.
“After the first year at camp, I changed and improved and then when I went back home, I was able to change and improve my own program because of all the new skills I learned,” said Andrew.
Not only did both of the participants share their excitement about meeting friends from around the globe when attending MFA programs, but they both shared that their experiences have been positively life-changing.
“With music, I’ve found that I can do anything,” said Joey who plans to become a music educator.
Several other guests were on the call, including another student, Kaitlyn Lee, who has been a strong advocate for music and arts education in her school district in Washington state. Her efforts have saved music programs in her community.
Remember that each and every one of us can be an advocate for music and arts education. Help educate your community to support arts education. For advocacy tools and resources, click here.
After the call, the SupportMusic Facebook page received a comment from one of their Facebook friends: “It WAS a great call! Hearing students talking about why they play music – and its emotional power in their lives – was really inspiring. Young musicians = the best evidence @ why music education in the schools is so important.”
What an amazing testament to Music for All and music education!