The sixty-sixth installment of a new series on the blog that we will be posting throughout the month of December. As some of you are aware, Music for All will be taking an Honor Band to the 2017 Rose Parade. Our members were selected by audition for the ensemble and come from all across the United States. We are looking forward to coming together for the first time as a band at the end of December and we hope this series will allow us all to get to know some (hopefully most!) of the members of this awesome ensemble!
Name: Lunia Oriol
Hometown: Wasilla, AK
School Name: Colony High School
Section: Clarinet
What made you decide to apply to be a part of the band?
My freshman year, the marching band at my school, Thee Northern Sound, was invited to march at the Tournament of Roses, but I didn’t join marching band that year. When I finally joined my sophomore year, my friends told me incredible stories of their experiences and memories marching in the Rose Bowl, and I decided one day I would find a way to make it to Pasadena myself. I love meeting new people and going on adventures, so I jumped at the opportunity.
What part of the trip are you most excited about?
I’m most excited for Disneyland and the Disneyland Parade! I haven’t been to Disneyland in years, so I can’t wait to go there again, and experience the magic and wonder with my new friends and bandmates.
What are three things you’ve learned from being involved in band?
Every day, after our band finished practice, we huddled together and yelled at the top of our lungs, “Tradition! Respect! Honor!” We never went a day without saying these words. In my three years of marching, these are some of the most important values to me. First – although progress is never bad, traditions that have kept the band together are important to pass down to new generations. Secondly, no matter how much authority you have in the band – whether you are the director, the drum major, or a saxophone player – everybody deserves respect. Third, hold yourself honorably. Everyone is so important in the band, and without each and every one of its members, the marching band wouldn’t be complete.
Most memorable moment in band?
My junior year, our band went down to the Grand National Championships in Indiana. This was my first big band trip, and this was also my first year of being drum major, so I had to become situated comfortably in the position very quickly. Our band toured Chicago for a few days beforehand and then we traveled by bus to Indianapolis. When we arrived at the Lucas Oil Stadium, my senses went into overdrive. I had never seen so many bands before coming from coast to coast. Before and after we performed on the field, we sat in the stadium, entranced by the other bands performing their shows for hours, and we met the most incredible musicians. Our band didn’t advance to Semifinals, but we won the Esprit de Corps Awards for our spirit and enthusiasm. The award means a lot to me, but the people whom with I got to work and perform with mean far more.
Besides band, what are you involved in at school?
Besides band, I’m president of French National Honors Society at my school, and I’m involved in Rotary Interact, Drama Club, and Class Council. I also spend time volunteering at my local library and performing in a community steel drum group.
What’s your favorite book?
A Wrinkle in Time – Madeleine L’Engle
What’s your favorite song or piece of music?
There’s too much music for me to choose from, but I can say my favorite composer is Gustav Holst.
Favorite movie?
Favorite ice cream flavor?
What’s your current plan for what you want to do after graduating high school?
I’m planning on going to University of Michigan to pursue Electrical Engineering, but I still want to be involbed in music and theater.
Have you participated in MFA/BOA events before? Which ones?
I’ve gone to the Grand National Championships in 2015. I’ll be graduating this year, so this MFA/BOA trip will be my last.
Tell us something interesting/unique about you:
I really like to knit in my spare time! My mom taught me how to knit when I was younger. I make scarves and hats, and I’m a junior member of a knitting guild.