The thirty-fourth installment of a new series on the blog that we will be posting throughout the month of December. As some of you are aware, Music for All will be taking an Honor Band to the 2017 Rose Parade. Our members were selected by audition for the ensemble and come from all across the United States. We are looking forward to coming together for the first time as a band at the end of December and we hope this series will allow us all to get to know some (hopefully most!) of the members of this awesome ensemble!
Name: Forrest Roy
Hometown: Kennesaw, GA
School Name: Harrison High School
Section: Snare drum
What made you decide to apply to be a part of the band?
Well, my urge to be apart of this group was sparked by my first drum instructor and BOATOR drumline alumni- David Boughter. David started teaching me how to drum when I was in the 7th grade, and when I was in the 8th grade, David marched with this ensemble in the 2013 Tournament of Roses Parade. I thought to myself, “wow, it would be kind of cool to do that one day” and as I got older, I felt like it would be humbling for David and for me if I were to make this prestigious ensemble. I practiced the materials, received some help and feedback from a few people, then I sent in a video and made the group. I’m incredibly excited to be a part of this group, and I know David is just as excited as I am.
What part of the trip are you most excited about?
I’m most excited about just going to California. I’ve wanted to go and visit the west coast for years now. I haven’t been to California since I was a little kid, so my memory of it is very vague. More specifically, I’m excited about the parade itself, I’m interested to see how it compares to the Macy’s Thanksgiving Day Parade that I marched in a few weeks ago!
What are three things you’ve learned from being involved in band?
1. If you think you can’t do something, you can. With the right reasources and a great work ethic, you can literally do anything.
2. A positive attitude will take you far in life. Optimism is key, being optimistic will allow you to be better than most people you’re competing against in life.
3. The downs in life make the ups all the sweeter. It’s like Yin and Yang. The good is good because of the bad and the bad is bad because of the good. Don’t allow a bad time in your life, or a negative person to get in the way of you being great. Once you achieve and reach the high point, it will be sweeter than ever.
Most memorable moment in band?
Grand National Semi-Finals 2013. This performance was the most emotional show of my life, and gave Harrison a ticket to Grand National Finals in 2013. After that performance, our band felt so incredibly satisfied with what we had done, that we could of honestly gone home right then and been happy with the season. At this moment, I realized that band isn’t about the results or the awards, it’s about the people you do it with. Easily one of the best moments of my life.
Besides band, what are you involved in at school?
I’ve been involved in video production inside of my school up until this semester due to some core classes that were more important to take than a video class. Videography and Photography have kind of become my thing besides band. Outside of school, I do some video work for Atlanta Quest-an Independant World Class Indoor Drumline- and I enjoy taking pictures on my own time.
What’s your favorite book?
Well I’m not a huge reader, but I can say I’ve enjoyed the Hunger Games Trillogy.
What’s your favorite song or piece of music?
I’d have to say my favorite piece of music is Ping Pang Pong by Joel Puckett. For those who are familiar with the piece, specifically letter W towards the end.
Favorite movie?
The Fast and Furious series.
Favorite ice cream flavor?
What’s your current plan for what you want to do after graduating high school?
Hopefully to attend either Clemson University, University of Georgia, or Florida State University. I plan to major in either marketing, graphic communications, mass communications or something of that nature. In my band future, I’d like march WGI at Atlanta Quest, and I’d like to march DCI with either The Bluecoats, The Blue Devils, or The Phantom Regiment. Any of those would really be a dream come true to be honest.
Have you participated in MFA/BOA events before? Which ones?
I have participated in BOA Grand Nationals as a performer twice, along with countless regionals and super regionals. I’ve also played with the Harrison Wind Ensemble in the Music For All Regional Festival in Atlanta.
Tell us something interesting/unique about you:
I’ve got a severe obsession with tenneshoes.