Hello, my name is Madi Dornseif and I am a senior at Homestead H.S. in Fort Wayne, IN! I’m in the color guard and winter guard at Homestead, and I’m hoping to pursue a degree in Marketing. On October 19, I had the experience to job shadow Music for All in the Marketing Department. I quickly realized there is so much that goes into for preparing each show. I was able to sit by Lucy, one of the Marketing Coordinators, and see what she does on a busy day before a Super Regional Competition like making press kits, scheduling, and seeing what she does on the media side of Music for All. I even got to sit in a meeting with the Marketing Manager Erin Fortune, for the St. Louis Super Regional; it was very interesting to see all of the planning that goes it. Getting the experience really helped me with figuring out what I want to pursue as a career, hopefully someday I will be working with Music for All.
My day shadowing the Marketing Department