This is the twelfth installment of a new series that will highlight the Music for All staff members who work behind-the-scenes to make all of the positively life-changing experiences happen! Get to know each of our amazing staff members, as we learn more about who they are and what they do at Music for All. A new post will be featured every week!
Brock Eveland/Administrative Assistant (to the President and CEO)
Hometown: Vincennes, Indiana.
How long have you been with Music for All?
2 ½ years
What is your favorite event at Music for All and why?
I love spending time observing the Music for All National Festival. It’s a rewarding experience to wander the halls while different members of the Jazz Band of America, Honor Orchestra of America, and Honor Band of America form friendships and practice their music together.
What has been your favorite part of working at Music for All?
Being able to see the impact that our programming has in the local Indianapolis community. Music for All’s relationship with the many different school systems and arts organizations has helped me become more aware and engaged in my own community.
Do you have a favorite memory of working an event with Music for All?
My favorite memory would be driving through campus during Summer Symposium and seeing all of the different moving parts and instrument tracks working through their daily schedules.
One thing you couldn’t live without?
My trusty travel coffee tumbler
What do you like to do in your free time?
Downtown Indy is such a great area for long distance running. I love running and exploring along the different Indy Cultural Trail paths. I also love going to see bands at the different theatres and venues in Indy.
What are you currently reading?
Lincoln in the Bardo by George Saunders
What’s a show you’ve binge watched recently?
The Keepers mystery docuseries on Netflix
Favorite movie not many people have seen?
Sing Street – A Coming of age tale about a teenager in 1980s Ireland