The thirteenth installment of a new series on the blog that we will be posting throughout the month of December. As some of you are aware, Music for All will be taking an Honor Band to the 2017 Rose Parade. Our members were selected by audition for the ensemble and come from all across the United States. We are looking forward to coming together for the first time as a band at the end of December and we hope this series will allow us all to get to know some (hopefully most!) of the members of this awesome ensemble!


Name: Allison Zimmerman

Hometown: West Chester, OH

School Name: Lakota East High School

Section: Clarinet

What made you decide to apply to be a part of the band?
Being a member of this band is a once in a lifetime experience, who wouldn’t jump at the opportunity? Plus, the uniforms are super cool.

What part of the trip are you most excited about?
I’m excited to meet all the people!

What are three things you’ve learned from being involved in band?
Leadership, Kindness, and no fear of failure

Most memorable moment in band?
The first time I ever stood inside of a brass circle. Being completely surrounded by powerful music is a surreal experience.

Besides band, what are you involved in at school?
Gymnastics, National Honor Society, and AP Classes

What’s your favorite book?
Chase the Lion

What’s your favorite song or piece of music?
Festive Overture – Shostakovich

Favorite movie?
The Lion King

Favorite ice cream flavor?
Chocolate Chip Cookie Dough

What’s your current plan for what you want to do after graduating high school?
I plan to major in music education. I want to be in a DCI group, and maybe even direct one someday.

Tell us something interesting/unique about you:
I play the clarinet in Rhythm X Winds
