The thirty-fifth installment of a new series on the blog that we will be posting throughout the month of December. As some of you are aware, Music for All will be taking an Honor Band to the 2017 Rose Parade. Our members were selected by audition for the ensemble and come from all across the United States. We are looking forward to coming together for the first time as a band at the end of December and we hope this series will allow us all to get to know some (hopefully most!) of the members of this awesome ensemble!
Name: Katie Thornton
Hometown: Franklin, TN
School Name: Franklin High School
Section: Baritone
What made you decide to apply to be a part of the band?
The moment I first heard about the Honor Band, I knew I wanted to be a part of it. I was really interested in the opportunity to work with students and faculty from around the country.
What part of the trip are you most excited about?
I’m excited to see the sites of California. I’ve never been out there, so it’s definitely going to be an exciting experience for me.
What are three things you’ve learned from being involved in band?
Passion, endurance, and the importance of community. Passion is when you truly love something that, even when times get hard, you still enjoy doing that activity. Endurance is pushing through those times when it feels like your world is exploding, and you get back on your feet and keep going. My director, who’s basically my mentor, always tells me, “You have nothing to lose and everything to gain. You only lose if you give up.” Finally, community is so important, whether it’s band, school, where you live, etc. Everything you do effects your community, and you have to choose if you’re going to have a positive or negative effect.
Most memorable moment in band?
Definitely the moment I learned I had made this honor band. I was sitting in math class after a test, and I checked my email, and I saw the email. After I read it, I went down to our Band Room to tell my directors. My director, who had filled out my recommendation, had also gotten an email, but I didn’t know that. He made me wait in the doorway while my other director was finishing some work. Finally, he let me come in and told he had gotten the email. My directors were so excited for me.
Besides band, what are you involved in at school?
I’m in Winter Guard and Concert Band. I’m hoping to join some chamber groups next semester.
What’s your favorite book?
The entire Harry Potter Series, including Harry Potter and the Cursed Child.
What’s your favorite song or piece of music?
The Hamilton Mixtape
Favorite movie?
The Princess Bride
Favorite ice cream flavor?
What’s your current plan for what you want to do after graduating high school?
I want to go into Music Education. I’m currently looking at Middle Tennessee State University, DePaul University, or Auburn, but I’m still looking around. I hope to have my band program connected with United Sound and Bands of America.
Have you participated in MFA/BOA events before? Which ones?
Yes, I’ve gone to Summer Symposium/Leadership Weekend the past two summers, and multiple BOA competitions through marching band, including Grand Nationals.
Tell us something interesting/unique about you:
I have a wide range of musical preference. If you were to listen to all my music on shuffle, you would hear musicals, classical, pop, Hamilton, Disney, Christmas, etc.